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Program Development FAQs

We design and implement the most advanced global learning solutions even as the field constantly evolves. As our partner, we put you and your students first. Ask us anything.

We create university-branded programs that transcend traditional study abroad. Our programs are your programs. They not only have your name on them, they are built on your values and standards, creating a seamless extension of your institution. We are a leader in global learning built for and financially accessible to today’s diverse student bodies. With a specialized team of more than 40 academic and administrative professionals we replicate our partner institutions’ academic caliber while delivering new, innovative programs more effectively and economically than institutions could do on their own. Our Study Center model, pedagogical expertise, experience, and networks have made us a behind-the-scenes force for the most selective colleges, universities, and university systems for over 30 years.

Programs with Accent are based in one of six locations — Accent Study Centers in Paris, Florence, London, Madrid, or Rome, or the Accent Sicily Center for Field Studies in Syracuse, Italy. Each Center has a full team supporting the education abroad experience — academic, cultural, and personal — as well as a network of local faculty. For specialized programs with established partners, we develop and support programming across Europe and beyond, from Brussels to Fez, Lisbon to Sarajevo.

Networks of Accent faculty in each location develop custom courses taught within signature programs. These faculty each have years of experience in the design and delivery of experiential courses abroad. Courses include adaptations of campus syllabi with case studies from the host-country, new courses developed to address the same learning objectives as courses from a campus catalog, or fully customized curricula. The course development process and timeline are tailored to meet the needs of the school in the U.S., involving academic advisory committees, faculty, and education abroad leadership as required on each campus.

Yes! These faculty each have years of experience in the design and delivery of experiential courses abroad. Our faculty networks have developed over years. Candidates are selected based on criteria proposed by our U.S. partners. Our university partners have ultimate approval of candidates. 

In addition to faculty who develop and teach full courses, our networks also include numerous academics who act as docents for on-site lectures and tours that may be added to short-term and faculty-directed programs. During the summer, for example, most faculty who teach with Accent throughout the academic year lend their expertise to lead tours, workshops, and guest lectures for faculty-directed programs.

Academic credit is issued by the U.S. college or university sponsoring the program. 

As much or as little as needed. Most of our partners look to Accent for some level of collaboration on curriculum design and academic enhancements. Through our local resource networks, we aim to make each program as topical and experiential as possible. 

With our strategic partners, we often start the program development process with discussion of a problem the institution wishes to solve such as a gap in the current global learning portfolio or even a new campus major or minor in need of a global component. With that background, Accent proposes a programming solution and the conversation evolves from there. 

Accent works with you to identify excursions and study tours within and beyond the host-country to enhance your program both culturally and academically. Our European teams use their extensive knowledge of each city and region to propose extracurricular events and activities for your group. Examples include walking tours of neighborhoods, cooking classes, participation in local festivals, concerts, theatre, and sporting events.

Facilities include classrooms to accommodate ten to fifty students, a computer lab, WIFI, an online and paper resource library, a shared office for visiting and local faculty, and a student study space and lounge. Classrooms are equipped with basic AV equipment.

Accent’s U.S. office provides guidance and assistance throughout the development, recruitment, enrollment, and pre-departure stages of the program. Our U.S. team works to help you achieve the goals and needs of your office — supporting program awareness, orientation, and fee collection. Campus visits and info-sessions are organized upon your request. Students and faculty receive comprehensive pre-departure materials to prepare them for their time overseas.

Housing options vary by city and program and appropriate options are discussed early in program development conversations. Options include shared apartments, student residences, homestays, and hotels. In each city, Accent seeks out safe housing with strategic locations, all within a 35- to 45-minute commute to the Study Center on foot or with public transport.

Most faculty members are housed in a studio or one-bedroom apartment in a conveniently located area of the city. Accent works with faculty to find the most suitable accommodations. In the case of accompanying family or guests, Accent can arrange for larger apartments as needed.

Absolutely. Frequently, Accent strategic partners share objectives, or it becomes clear that two global programming ideas are complementary and mutually beneficial. Accent is quick to point out these opportunities and facilitate collaboration through official partnerships or informal consortium models. 

Accent sources internships and service learning opportunities to match program learning goals and student skills and interests. Internships and service learning can be integrated into a wider program or developed into a stand-alone program. Both experiences require a program of at least eight weeks in duration. Internships are sourced by Accent’s in-house internship coordinators or specialized industry consultants, depending on the placement types and industry.

Accent will work with you to determine the ideal number of students for your program, based on your destination and program offerings. Accent will be in close communication with you during the recruitment and enrollment stage of the process, and in the case of low numbers, we will work with you to find the best solution.

Accent believes in developing programs that are high quality while being cost-effective. We will collaborate with you to design a program that fits the budget requirements of your institution. Accent does not require a deposit, and instead will work with you to put together an invoice and payment schedule that works with your timeline. Accent can either invoice for your program in local currency or U.S. dollars. If your program is invoiced in U.S. dollars, Accent will monitor currency fluctuations up until the moment your program contract is agreed upon and finalized. After it is finalized, the program price is guaranteed.

The U.S. institution collects program payments directly from students. Depending on the policies of each institution, students may or may not be able to apply federal financial aid to their study abroad program. Accent is able to facilitate collection of payments for programs with our community college partners.

Accent requires that all students and faculty hold individual medical coverage. When students are not covered by their college or university, Accent can include a group medical insurance plan in the overall program fee. Accent does not provide trip cancellation insurance but can recommend providers and plans for students to obtain coverage individually.

Our Institutional Relations team consults with partners on best practices and strategies for program promotion. Promotional tools can include social media strategy and content, promotional videos and slides for classroom presentations, webinars, print promotional materials, and in-person information sessions.