Accent at a Glance
Updates and news from our teams –
- Later this month, the London Study Center will host a book launch for James Heartfield’s The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (Oxford, 2016). Heartfield currently teaches Britain and the EU for the University of California fall semester in London and regularly lectures for faculty-directed programs.
- ACCENT Paris hosted a lecture with professor Annick Cizel of the New Sorbonne University (Paris III) discussing the French perspective on the 2016 US presidential election campaign. The lecture was part of the Study Center’s regular cultural activity series and open to all students.
- Blaxploitalian: 100 Years of Blackness in Italian Cinema, a new documentary by Afroitalian filmmaker Fred Kuwornu, was recently screened for University of California students in Rome. Kuowrnu answered questions following the film.
- Students in Madrid recently visited a Red Cross reception center as part of the Immigration, Ethnicity and Nation in Contemporary Spain course with the University of California. A description of the visit was posted on the Accent Blog.