Centralized Leadership
University of Minnesota
Paris, Florence, Barcelona, Rome, Sicily

UMN has a strong, centralized education abroad model with all global programs developed and curated by the university’s Learning Abroad Center (LAC). The LAC team along with representatives from campus schools and colleges frequently meet with Accent in our various European Study Centers to discuss and develop new campus initiatives. Current initiatives with the University of Minnesota include:
- Study & Intern in Florence
- Study & Intern in Rome with Multi-Disciplinary Design Studio — featuring designed-related internships in Rome and specialized design workshops in Sicily, focusing on theory to practice
- Global Seminars (short-term) — cohort-based programs that allow students to interact closely with UMN faculty complemented by guest speakers, special-access visits, guided on-site lectures provided by Accent
- Freshman Seminars Abroad — UMN faculty teach the seminar on campus during the spring semester with spring break global study trip that is designed by Accent
- “Made in Italy” Brand Management summer faculty-directed program for UMN Carlson School of Management
- UMN Duluth History of Community Health: Art & Culture in Italy
- UMN Morris Art History in Rome
From 2013 to 2016, Accent and the University of Minnesota partnered on the creation and operation of an Istanbul Study Center. In addition to programming with other Accent partners, the Study Center hosted a UMN semester program, architecture design studio, and short-term programs that included art history, leadership, and media and design.