Customized Engineering Semester

Students fulfill core degree requirements with courses such as Transportation Engineering, Civil Engineering Systems, and Fluid Dynamics that are taught in English by TAMU and Roma Tre faculty.
Research & Internships
Optional research placements in Roma Tre Engineering departments working alongside Italian and international faculty and graduate students are included in this program, as well as internships with local engineering, renewable energy, and architecture firms.
Unique Experiences
Courses include special access to the administrative headquarters and construction sites of Metro C, Rome’s new underground line and the Acquedotto Vergine below Villa Medici, which is otherwise closed to the public. Faculty regularly incorporate visits to relevant local companies like Aprilia motorcycle factory, and sites such as the Peschiera-Capore aqueduct in the Rieti province, which provides 85% of Rome’s water, and the mountainous Abruzzo region to extract samples.